
Home About Gemi Company culture
  • Vision
  • Spirit
  • Mission
  • Style
  • Core
  • Vision

    Established the “domestic first brand and international famous brand” in the beverage and electric appliance industry

  • Spirit

    Dedication and integrity

  • Mission

    Create first-class products with first-class quality, build a first-class brand with first-class reputation

  • Style of working

    Respond quickly

  • Core value

    Dedication and unity, common development, innovation-oriented, quality-oriented, brand-first, Yongchuang No.1

Business philosophy
User view

Everything works for the user
The next process is the user

Quality concept

Fine zero defect Do not manufacture  do not accept, do not transfer defective products 

Innovation concept

Integrate resources, step by step, innovation, leading generation

Market view

Brand: first make a brand, then sell a product
Service: Star Service Seamless Coverage

Talent concept

Work first, then work, team spirit
One heart and one mind
Honor and disgrace, less talk, less talk

建平县| 若羌县| 南安市| 江源县| 龙泉市| 五寨县| 定陶县| 彝良县| 唐山市| 丹江口市| 永春县| 凤台县| 小金县| 浦东新区| 平原县| 洪雅县| 茂名市| 莫力| 萍乡市| 大方县| 高邮市| 同心县| 瑞安市| 巴青县| 威宁| 晴隆县| 岢岚县| 武胜县| 和平区| 龙胜| 西城区| 南华县| 绥化市| 炎陵县| 澄江县| 丹东市| 翼城县| 盐津县| 铜鼓县| 高陵县| 砀山县|